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Achieve lasting change for you
and your clients with
powerful anti-anxiety hypnosis

A One-Day Boot Camp
for Aspiring Hypnotists, High Performers, Coaches, Entrepreneurs and  Healers

 🗓️  Friday, July 12

 🕘  9am-2pm Pacific via Zoom

Stress and anxiety can inhibit our ability to make positive changes.

We all know how important anti-anxiety techniques are to overall well being and happiness. 

De-stress, and anti-anxiety techniques are a foundational aspect  for a healthy mental/emotional state.

Hypnosis helps us truly meet our needs:

  • Foundational needs like adequate rest, connection, safety and security,
  • Deeper needs like awareness, self-love, purpose, and good self-care. 

With hypnosis, meeting our needs becomes so much easier.  How to get our needs met becomes clear.

We're empowered to live into our potential without the blockers and barriers to our success.

alarm clock illustration close up made in 3d

We'll provide you with hypnotic tools and strategies that reduce stress, give you clarity of thinking, and skills with acute anti-anxiety techniques.

Hypnosis works at the subconscious level to facilitate lasting breakthroughs.

By adding hypnosis to your toolkit, you can:

  • Help clients overcome limiting beliefs.
  • Change negative thought patterns.
  • Access their subconscious mind to make deeper and more lasting changes.

These benefits can lead to better overall well-being, which can ultimately help your clients achieve their goals more quickly and sustainably.

Our one-day boot camp will provide tips and techniques you can use to help yourself and your clients now.

Get Better Results for Your Clients with Hypnosis (8)

A Sneak Peek At Our Full Day of Learning

Hypnosis Classroom
9-11 am
Hypnosis and the Hypnotic Induction

Learn what hypnosis is, and how to get into a state of deep calm. Understand brain wave states...

Erika Flint Teaching Hypnosis (2)
11 am-12 pm
Self Talk, Hypnosis Suggestions, Language

Learn hypnotic language. Transform to positive orientation. Eliminate the sources of negative...

Download The One-Page Agenda

Get Our $275 Early Bird Special

This one-day, information-packed live course is $550. 

We're offering it at half price for early registrants until Friday, June 30 ($275).

What Does the Boot Camp Include?

Hypnosis Class

Intensive Training + Follow-Up

After the one day boot camp intensive, you'll want to be able to confidently implement the anti-anxiety techniques you'll learn. To ensure you're able to apply the techniques, you're also invited to private 1:1 Voxer access for one month after the bootcamp is complete.

Erika Hypnosis Techniques


Help yourself and your clients. You'll learn and practice hypnotic techniques designed to restore a resourceful state where insights from the subconscious mind become clearer.

Hypnosis Playbook


Each boot camp attendee will receive access to "Get Better Results for Your Clients with Hypnosis," a resource-rich PDF guide for helping you implement hypnotic strategies and techniques.

More About the Primary Elements We'll Cover & How They Help

  • Why is this helpful for you?  As a coach or healer, your presence is perhaps your greatest asset.  The ability to easily establish and stabilize a calm nervous system enhances your effectiveness and reduces burnout and stress in your own life.  You'll learn how to work with your neurobiology to connect heart and mind, conscious and subconscious, more deeply on demand - so you can live with more freedom, authenticity, and alignment with your purpose.  You can default to a more resourceful state of being where you're more present with your clients, able to notice more where you can help with your existing tools and new hypnotic strategies.

  • Why is this helpful for your clients?  Clients thrive in an atmosphere of tranquility and trust.  When you embody and model a calm, centered state, you create a safe space for them to explore their inner worlds and reach the insights within their own subconscious mind, making the coaching or healing process more profound and transformative.  Plus, you'll be able to teach your clients the skills you've learned and practiced to establish and stabilize a calm nervous system.

  • Why is this helpful for you?  Your own self-talk shapes your confidence and approach to your practice.  Upgrading your own iOS (inner operating system) empowers you to step more fully and easily into your potential as an agent of transformation.

  • Why is this helpful for your clients?  Clients often struggle with negative self-talk and self-doubt.  You'll learn how you can guide them in rewiring their inner dialogue in ways that help them achieve greater self-belief and success.

  • Why is this helpful for you?  These hypnotic tools really help manifest your own goals and aspirations and elevate your own life, personally and professionally!  (While we love the conscious mind too, the key is accessing the subconscious mind through hypnotic future progression.)

  • Why is this helpful for your clients?  Your clients have dreams and desires they want to turn into reality.  Teaching them effective hypnotic visualization and future programming techniques empowers them to live into that new reality more easily with your guidance.

  • Why is this helpful for you?  Even coaches, healers, and hypnotists can have their own "blockers" (we're all navigating this experience as human beings after all!).  Understanding and addressing emotional blockers from the level of the subconscious mind not only deepens your practice, but also enhances your own emotional intelligence with far-reaching impacts in your personal life.

  • Why is this helpful for your clients?  Emotional blockers can be powerful obstacles to success personal growth.  Equipping yourself with hypnotic tools to help clients identify and release these subconscious emotional blockers is invaluable in facilitating transformative and sustainable results.

Meet Instructor
Erika Flint

Your course is taught by Erika Flint, BCH, MCPHI, OB, author of Reprogram Your Weight, Lighter, Can You Be a Hypnotist?, and The Academy of Eternity.

Erika Flint and students

Erika Flint is, hands down, the most amazing instructor I’ve ever worked with. Her personal alignment, attention to detail and explaining of nuanced material was simply amazing.

Kevin Emery

Boot Camp FAQs

Is this a certification training?

This is not a certification training.  We've noticed that many are curious to learn more about hypnosis without the full certification training, and others desire an experience with hypnosis before using it to help others.  So this one day boot camp format is a great way for you to learn more about the practical application of hypnosis for yourself and others, starting with your own experience with the techniques presented.  

For some, the next step will be becoming certified, and we have a more comprehensive professional hypnosis certification training where you can learn everything you need to practice professionally!  (Side note: for those who want to become certified, the fee for this boot camp will apply towards the tuition for certification training.)

Is this class ONLY for life coaches, entrepreneurs, and healers?

While the class is designed to help those folks learn how they can get better outcomes for their clients with hypnosis, it is also great for aspiring hypnotists who want to start learning the skills of a professional hypnotist for their own benefit.

Is this class in-person or virtual?

This class is virtual via Zoom video conferencing!  We have students from all around the country (and beyond!), and we want to make this training accessible to anyone who can access Zoom from the comfort of their home.

Will students practice hypnosis during the class?

Yes - we want you to have a personal experience with hypnosis!  We will practice the hypnosis techniques together in a group setting for yourself and your own benefit.   

Will any students be hypnotized?

Yes, all students will have a personal experience with hypnosis many times throughout the day!  A one day class is not suitable for 1:1 hypnosis with individual students, so Erika will be demonstrating techniques and leading group hypnosis, and we'll all practice together so everyone benefits!  

Is the course fee refundable?

Due to space limitations, this course fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable. We would be happy to provide a copy of the live recording to you if you're unable to attend live (although live is always best, and we'd love to see you there!).

I'm thinking about hypnosis certification training - does this fee apply towards that training?

YES!  Our professional hypnosis certification training is by invitation only, and we have an application process to help determine if it's a good fit to work together.  If you're invited to enroll, we will put your fee for this class towards the tuition for the certification training!

Register Today

This one-day, information-packed live course is $550. 

We're offering it at half price for early registrants until Friday, June 28 ($275).

Erika's practical approach to problem solving and reliance upon proven processes with repeatable results were the primary factors that prompted me to seek her instruction.  Upon working with everyone at Cascade Hypnosis I encountered exactly what I was hoping to find, and beyond. I am truly impressed with Erika's process, her results, and her commitment to the truth.  She is exactly who I hoped she would be and her instruction is unparalleled.

Steven Easton